Crime in Hong Kong
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Hong Kong police have arrested a man for allegedly inciting others to spread the coronavirus. Photo: Warton Li

Hong Kong police arrest man, 32, over online call to spread the coronavirus

  • The electronics repairman allegedly encouraged Covid-19 patients to ‘go on a blue shop day tour’ in a post on a local forum
  • Further investigations by police revealed suspect had previously called on others to use violence against judges
Hong Kong police have arrested a 32-year-old electronics repairman in Central on Friday for allegedly inciting others to spread the coronavirus.

The force revealed on Saturday that the man posted messages in a local forum in January and February encouraging Covid-19 patients to “go on a blue shop day tour to spread the virus”, referring to businesses that supported pro-establishment forces.

The suspect allegedly violated the prevention and control of disease ordinance, which bans people from purposefully exposing others to infection. Officers confiscated a mobile phone to assist in their investigation.

“The police strongly condemn the selfish and irresponsible actions by these individuals. While most citizens are uniting to fight against the virus, these unlawful persons are inciting others to disregard the severity of the pandemic, causing serious harm to public health,” a force representative said.

Further investigation by police revealed that the man posted on the same forum in May last year, calling on others to use violence against judges, which could constitute an offence for inciting others to cause grievous bodily harm.

Police noted the High Court passed two interim injunction orders in 2019 and 2020, banning doxxing and harassment of judicial officers and their families, as well as the posting or spreading of messages online that could incite violence. Violation of these orders could be viewed as contemptuous.

The force said the investigation were still ongoing and that officers had not ruled out the possibility of further arrests

Separately, police brushed off online rumours claiming officers of fining people for not using apps when entering Kwai Chung Plaza and Shek Lai Shopping Mall.

The force said officers had only fined people for not wearing face masks properly or smoking in public areas in the district over the past week. It noted that the vaccine pass scheme, which covers shopping centres, would come into effect on February 24.

Additional reporting by Christy Leung