Hong Kong courts
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A view of the entrance of Madera Hollywood Hotel, where a man was found dead inside a room two years ago. Photo: Sam Tsang

2 men plead guilty to drug offences after prosecutors drop manslaughter charge over Hong Kong hotel room death

  • US national and Hong Kong resident pleaded guilty to possessing and trafficking in illegal drugs at Eastern Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday
  • Chen Te-ming, 40, was found dead in hotel room two years ago, with the lower half of his body naked and his feet tied together with a bedsheet

Two men have pleaded guilty to possessing and trafficking in drugs after prosecutors dropped a manslaughter charge against them in a case involving a Hongkonger who was found dead in a hotel room two years ago.

United States national Michael Ikaika Tai Seichi Saromines and city resident Jerry Liu Wai-ip each admitted to two drug charges at Eastern Court on Wednesday.

Principal Magistrate Ivy Chui Yee-mei ordered the pair to be remanded in custody while awaiting drug rehabilitation reports.

Golf coach Saromines, 40, and salesman Liu, 46, were arrested in July 2022 in connection with Chen Te-ming’s death at Hotel Madera Hollywood on Hollywood Road in Central.

Two men pleaded guilty to drug offences at Eastern Court on Wednesday. Photo: Nora Tam

The case was originally treated as manslaughter, but the prosecution dropped the charge before Wednesday’s hearing.

The court heard on Wednesday that Chen, 40, was found unconscious inside the room’s toilet after Saromines and a hotel manager filed a police report saying Chen was not feeling well.

While Chen did not sustain any superficial injuries, he was certified dead at the scene, with the lower half of his body naked and his feet tied together with a bedsheet.

Officers then proceeded to collect evidence, which included two syringes and traces of a white crystalline solid found on a coffee table in the room.

An autopsy and a toxicological examination confirmed that Chen died due to adverse reactions to multiple drugs found in his body, including fatal doses of methamphetamine and other designer drugs.

The two syringes were also found to contain traces of dipentylone and etizolam, while the crystalline solid contained meth and dipentylone.

Chen Te-ming was certified dead at the hotel. Photo: Google

Saromines was arrested at the scene and told police he had been friends with the deceased for four to six months. The golf coach added they both smoked some Ice that Chen provided in the hotel room.

Liu had arrived at the hotel room later, according to Saromines. The three men then began to take Ecstasy pills, as well as another drug, commonly known as “G water” or “GHB”.

Saromines revealed that he then fell asleep and woke up to Chen snoring and his head and chest moving. He added he went to the toilet and when he came out he found the deceased had stopped snoring.

He and Liu then moved Chen into the heated toilet but the deceased was already unresponsive at that time. Saromines performed cardiac resuscitation on Chen before seeking help from the hotel manager.

Upon Liu’s arrest, police officers discovered three Ice bongs and two plastic bags containing crystalline solids, which were later found to contain meth, at his Ap Lei Chau residence.

But Liu denied ownership of two bongs seized at the hotel room, even though he admitted using them.

Liu and Saromines will appear in court separately on February 6 and 7 respectively.
