Nina Wang will battle: Hong Kong feng shui master claims key prosecution witness in original trial used false letter

Counsel for former feng shui master Peter Chan Chun-chuen told an appeal hearing he had been informed that a key witness in his criminal trial for using a fake will to claim a billionaire’s estate had himself submitted a false document in the original case.
Chan, who went under the name Tony until he converted to Christianity in jail, is appealing against his conviction and 12-year jail sentence for forging the will of tycoon Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum in an attempt to get hold of her HK$83 billion fortune.
The Court of Appeal yesterday heard claims relating to a land deal between Gilbert Leung Kam-ho, a key witness in the 2013 trial, and Chinachem Group, the property empire Wang and her husband built. Wang’s fortune eventually went to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation.
READ MORE: Nina Wang saga 'almost at an end'
Leung, who first introduced Wang to Chan in the 1990s, had sold a piece of land to Chinachem in 1986 for about HK$1 million, but was able to buy it back for a similar price in 2007 despite the face the land’s value was higher by then.
Chan’s lawyer “wanted to use it to attack Gilbert Leung but there was no evidence,” said James Wood QC, Chan’s counsel for the appeal.
Leung was able to deflect any attack on his links to the group by producing to the court a letter from Tai Po village representative Koo Hang-pang, confirming that the land was subject to a claim for adverse possession, explaining why its value was reduced.