Feline fans purr over internet's top cats at Brooklyn video festival
Adorned with cats' ears and painted whiskers, feline fans purr over their YouTube favourites

Game over - cats have won the internet. At least that was the conclusion among the many attendees of the Internet Cat Video Festival in Brooklyn, New York.

Cat videos have been so popular online that watching them has become synonymous with wasting time. There are tens of millions of clips on YouTube on any day. They are also abundant on Vine, Twitter's video-sharing app, and on Instagram.
One older gem, uploaded to YouTube in 2007, has generated more than 33 million views. It's called Keyboard Cat. Meanwhile, Keyboard Dog has just a measly 4.6 million.
"The cute factor is very important," said Steve Lozic 28, while waiting for the show to begin at the Warsaw concert venue in the trendy Williamsburg area of Brooklyn.
Lozic, who works in advertising, said one of his favourite clips involves cats interacting with iPads, with one cat simply "killing it," as it paws at an iPad screen.