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A memorial service is held for British lawmaker David Amess in Parliament Square in London in October 2021. Photo: AFP

Isis follower jailed for life over murder of British MP David Amess

  • The judge said Ali Harbi Ali, 26, showed ‘no remorse or shame’ for the brutal knife attack on the father of five; he will not be eligible for parole
  • Ali says he had stabbed Amess in revenge for his votes in parliament in favour of air strikes in Syria in 2014 and 2015

A British judge on Wednesday sentenced Islamic State follower Ali Harbi Ali to a whole-life prison term for murdering lawmaker David Amess in a knife attack last year.

“This is a murder that struck at the heart of democracy,” judge Nigel Sweeney said as he handed down his sentence at London’s Old Bailey courthouse, noting the 26-year-old defendant had shown “no remorse or shame”.

Sweeney added he had no doubt it was an “exceptional case” that merited the sentence, which comes two days after a London jury unanimously found Ali guilty of the ferocious knife attack last October.

It was the second murder of a British MP in five years and prompted calls for better security for elected representatives.

Ali Harbi Ali was found guilty of the murder of British MP David Amess and of plotting to commit a terrorist attack in the UK. Photo: Metropolitan Police via AFP

Wearing a black collarless robe and flanked by security guards, Ali pursed his lips briefly as the judge handed down his sentence.

He had told the trial that he had no regrets about killing father-of-five Amess in revenge for votes in parliament for air strikes in Syria in 2014 and 2015.

Ali stabbed Amess more than 20 times with a foot-long (30cm-long) carving knife as the Conservative member of parliament met constituents in a church in Leigh-on-Sea, southeast England.

The whole-life sentence means Ali will never be eligible for parole.

The far-right extremist who murdered Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016 is also serving a whole-life sentence.

In a statement following the sentencing, Amess’ family said it provided “no elation” and that nothing could ever compensate for the “appalling and violent manner” in which he was murdered.

“We will struggle through each day for the rest of our lives,” it noted.

“It breaks our heart to know that our husband and father would have greeted the murderer with a smile of friendship and would have been anxious to help. How sickening to think what happened next. It is beyond evil.”

Amess was a long-serving member of parliament for the ruling Conservative Party, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed the sentencing.

“We will never allow those who commit acts of evil to triumph over democracy,” Johnson said in a tweet.

Ali, from north London, arranged an appointment with Amess, 69, by telling the politician’s office that he was a healthcare worker and wished to talk about local issues.

Knife-wielding Ali was apprehended at the scene of the murder in a church by two police officers armed only with batons and spray.

He had sent a manifesto to family and friends to try to justify his actions around the time of the attack.

The court heard that Ali said “sorry” to Amess before killing him, after which his assistant Julie Cushion said he appeared “self-satisfied”.

Jurors were told Ali had no mental health issues and he accepted much of the evidence against him.

He became self-radicalised in 2014, going on to drop out of university, abandoning ambitions for a career in medicine. Ali, who comes from a Somali family and said he had a childhood “full of love and care”, considered travelling to Syria to fight but opted instead for an attack in Britain.

A courtroom sketch shows Justice Nigel Sweeney handing down a whole life sentence to Ali Harbi Ali at the Old Bailey in London on Wednesday. Image: Elizabeth Cook/PA via AP

He bought a knife six years ago which he carried in his bag throughout the summer of 2021 as he “scoped out” possible targets, jurors heard.

He scouted parliament but found police there “armed to the teeth”, the court heard.

Ali carried out online research on other MPs, including senior Conservative Michael Gove.

He staked out Gove’s London home but rejected plans to murder him after Gove split up with his wife and moved out of the family home.
