2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake
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Turkey-Syria quake: more miracle rescues but death toll tops 33,000 one week since disaster

Turkey-Syria quake: more miracle rescues but death toll tops 33,000 one week since disaster

Turkey-Syria earthquake survivors pulled from rubble after a week as death toll rises

  • Death toll approaches 36,000 a week after a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria
  • UN’s relief chief expects death toll to ‘double or more’ as chances of finding survivors fade with every passing day

Rescuers pulled more survivors from the rubble a week after an earthquake struck Turkey and Syria leaving at least 35,000 dead, as the UN warned the toll was set to rise far higher.

A 40-year-old woman in the Turkish town of Islahiye, in Gaziantep province was the latest miracle rescue after seven days trapped under the wreckage of collapsed buildings since last Monday’s devastating quake.

The woman, Sibel Kaya, was rescued after spending 170 hours beneath the rubble of a five-storey building by a mixed crew that included members of Turkey’s coalmine rescue team.

Earlier, a 60-year-woman, Erengul Onder, was also pulled out from the rubble in the town of Besni, in Adiyaman province, by teams from the western city of Manisa.

“We received the news of a miracle from Besni which helped put the fire raging in our hearts a little,” wrote Manisa’s mayor Cengiz Ergun on Twitter.

Turkey’s disaster agency said more than 32,000 people from Turkish organisations were working on search-and-rescue efforts, along with 8,294 international rescuers.

A member of a British search team posted a remarkable video on Twitter on Sunday showing a rescuer crawling down a tunnel created through the rubble to find a Turkish man who had been trapped for five days in Hatay.

Search teams are facing a race against the clock as experts caution that hopes for finding people alive in the debris dim with each passing day.

The deadliest quake in Turkey since 1939 has killed 29,605 people there. More than 4,300 people were reported dead and 7,600 injured in northwest Syria as of Sunday, said a UN agency.

In the devastated Turkish city of Kahramanmaras, near the epicentre of the quake, excavators dug through mountains of twisted rubble as a rescue team recovered a body from the wreckage.

But in many areas, rescue teams said they lacked sensors and advanced search equipment, leaving them reduced to carefully digging through the rubble with shovels or only their hands.

“If we had this kind of equipment, we would have saved hundreds of lives, if not more,” said Alaa Moubarak, head of civil defence in Jableh, northwest Syria.

The United Nations has decried the failure to ship desperately needed aid to war-torn regions of Syria.

A convoy with supplies for northwest Syria arrived via Turkey, but the UN’s relief chief Martin Griffiths said much more was needed for millions whose homes were destroyed.

A man stands on top of the rubble of his house in Antakya, southeastern Turkey. Photo: AP

“We have so far failed the people in northwest Syria. They rightly feel abandoned. Looking for international help that hasn’t arrived,” Griffiths said on Twitter.

Assessing damage in southern Turkey on Saturday, when the toll stood at 28,000, Griffiths said he expected the figure to “double or more” as chances of finding survivors fade with every passing day.

Supplies have been slow to arrive in Syria, where years of conflict have ravaged the healthcare system, and parts of the country remain under the control of rebels battling the government of President Bashar al-Assad, which is under Western sanctions.

But a 10-truck UN convoy crossed into northwest Syria via the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, according to an Agence France-Presse correspondent, carrying shelter kits, plastic sheeting, rope, blankets, mattresses and carpets.

Bab al-Hawa is the only point for international aid to reach people in rebel-held areas of Syria after nearly 12 years of civil war, after other crossings were closed under pressure from China and Russia.

The head of the World Health Organization met Assad in Damascus on Sunday and said the Syrian leader had voiced readiness for more border crossings to help bring aid into the rebel-held northwest.

“He was open to considering additional cross-border access points for this emergency,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters.

“The compounding crises of conflict, Covid, cholera, economic decline and now the earthquake have taken an unbearable toll,” Tedros said a day after visiting Aleppo.

A woman cries over the graves of her son and her daughter in Malatya, Turkey. Photo: AP

While Damascus had given the all-clear for cross-line aid convoys to go ahead from government areas, Tedros said the WHO was still waiting for a green light from rebel-held areas before going in.

Assad looked forward to further “efficient cooperation” with the UN agency to improve the shortage in supplies, equipment and medicines, his presidency said.

He had also thanked the United Arab Emirates for providing “huge relief and humanitarian aid”, with pledges of tens of millions of dollars.

But in Turkey security concerns prompted the suspension of some rescue operations, and dozens of people have been arrested for looting or trying to defraud victims in the aftermath of the quake, according to state media.

An Israeli emergency relief organisation said Sunday it had suspended its earthquake rescue operation in Turkey and returned home because of a “significant” security threat to its staff.

After days of grief and anguish, anger in Turkey has been growing over the poor quality of buildings as well as the government’s response to the country’s worst disaster in nearly a century.

A total of 12,141 buildings were officially either destroyed or seriously damaged in Turkey.

Three people were put behind bars by Sunday and seven more have been detained – including two developers who were trying to relocate to the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

Additional reporting by Associated Press and Reuters

How to help

Turkish Consulate General Hong Kong

Unicef Hong Kong


Save the Children

World Vision Hong Kong

Red Cross

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)