Trump in ‘Gettysburg Address’ pledges to label China a currency manipulator in first 100 days as president
The speech was billed by his campaign as a major outlining of his policies and principles

With next month’s US presidential election drawing ever closer, Republican candidate Donald Trump has outlined plans for the first 100 days of his presidency, vowing to create 25 million jobs over a decade, label China a currency manipulator and renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).
Trump’s campaign team cast his 45-minute speech on Saturday in Gettysburg – where Abraham Lincoln delivered his key civil war address to try to unite the nation – as his “closing arguments” with just over two weeks to go before the November 8 election.
The billionaire also attacked his critics, threatening to sue the “liars” who have accused him of sexual assault, and saying his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton should have been barred from running.
“Change has to come from outside our very broken system,” Trump told a room of several hundred supporters, invoking Lincoln’s example to heal sharp divisions. “Our campaign represents the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime.”

Trump then listed a number of measures he would undertake in the first 100 days of his administration, delivering prepared remarks rather than employing his trademark off-the-cuff style.
This is my pledge to you, and if we follow these steps, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people