
Analysis | Bizarre ‘covfefe’ tweet: is chronic sleep deprivation impairing Trump’s brain, performance?

All jokes aside, Trump’s ‘covfefe’ tweet sparks questions too

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Donald Trump is a late sleeper. Photo: AFP

The tweet came, as they often do, when many others in the United States are sleeping.

But when Donald Trump complained to the twitterverse about all the “negative press covfefe”, just after midnight Wednesday, sleep experts saw it as more than just a laughable lapse.

“Cognitive tasks like spelling are impaired by poor sleep,” says neurologist Chris Winter, author of the new book The Sleep Solution.


“I would think something’s up, to put it mildly,”

Trump has claimed to prefer three to four hours of sleep. And he shows “many classic signs of sleep deprivation,” including bad decision making, inability to focus, irritability and impulsiveness, says Winter, who describes himself as “a fairly conservative guy.”
