Texas bomber’s recorded confession: ‘I wish I were sorry but I am not’
Mark Conditt, who died when he blew himself up as police closed in, calls himself a psychopath in the recording

The man who killed two people and wounded five others with a series of bomb attacks in the Austin area left an audio recording for police that includes a haunting revelation about himself.
“I wish I were sorry but I am not,” Mark Conditt said in the cellphone recording, according to sources familiar with his statements. He described himself as a “psychopath” and said he feels as though he has been disturbed since childhood.

Interim Police Chief Brian Manley confirmed the existence of the audio in a news conference Wednesday, but provided limited details about its specifics. He called it a “confession.”
Police say Conditt, 23, detonated a bomb inside his car early Wednesday as officers closed in on him along a highway. He had a laptop computer with him that was destroyed in the blast, but officials say they think it may have contained other recordings.
According to the sources, he began his 28-minute statement, which was recorded after 9pm on Tuesday, saying “it’s me again” and blamed himself for helping investigators find him by going into a FedEx store on in Sunset Valley to mail two explosive devices, one of which blew up at a transfer facility in Schertz.