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A screenshot of a video posted by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation appears to show world leaders including Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson speaking about Donald Trump. Photo: Screenshot/CBC

Video appears to show world leaders mocking Donald Trump at Nato summit

  • Video seems to reference the US president’s lengthy impromptu Tuesday morning press conference

A video from a reception at Buckingham Palace appears to show several world leaders, including UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and French President Emmanuel Macron poking fun at US President Donald Trump in his absence.

The press pool video was posted to Twitter with captions by the Canadian Broadcasting Company on Tuesday.

In the video, Trudeau does not mention Trump by name but appears to make fun of Trump’s impromptu Tuesday-morning press conference, in which he attacked Macron for saying last month that Nato was going brain-dead.

“He was late because he takes a 40-minute press conference off the top,” said Trudeau.

“You just watched his team’s jaws drop to the floor,” Trudeau continued.

Johnson and Macron appear to laugh at the reference, though their responses cannot be heard in the video.

Trump held a press conference during Nato’s 70th-anniversary summit. During the Q&A session, Trump referred to Macron’s past comments on Nato having a “brain death”, saying his characterisation of the alliance was “very, very nasty”.

“You can’t just go around making statements like that about Nato. It’s very disrespectful,” he said.

He also complained about the US’s defence contribution to Nato, and went on a tirade on France’s new digital-services tax, which the US is planning to retaliate against with new tariffs.

Still, Trump insisted he is on good terms with Macron despite recent tensions. Following his press conference, Trump held a bilateral meeting with Macron in which he said that he and the French president have a “fairly long relationship and a very good one”.

“We do a lot of trade with France, and we have a minor dispute,” Trump said.

“I think we’ll probably be able to work it out.”

Macron added that he stands by his statement on Nato, while Trump called the US’ contribution to Nato “not fair”.

Trump also met with Trudeau on Tuesday afternoon following his meeting with Macron and lauded his “very good” relationship with the Canadian leader. Trudeau added that the relationship between the two countries has “never been stronger”, though the two countries have recently sparred over the new United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA), which has been signed but not yet ratified.

Meanwhile, Johnson is limiting his appearances with Trump this week amid concerns that Trump could jeopardise his chances of winning the coming UK general election, and he has not scheduled a one-on-one meeting with the US president during his time in the UK.
