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An artist's impression of TOI 700 d, the first Earth-size planet in its star's habitable zone to be discovered by Nasa's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. Image: Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Centre via EPA-EFE

Nasa planet hunter finds potentially habitable Earth-sized world just 100 light years away

  • ‘TOI 700 d’ is at distance from its star that could allow presence of liquid water
  • Satellite also spotted planet orbiting two stars, like Tatooine from Star Wars movies

Nasa’s planet hunter satellite TESS has discovered an Earth-sized world within the habitable range of its star, which could allow the presence of liquid water.

Another first for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is its discovery of a world orbiting two stars, evoking the planet Tatooine from Star Wars but unlikely to be hospitable to life as we know it.

The potentially habitable planet, named “TOI 700 d”, is relatively close to Earth – only 100 light years away, Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced during the winter American Astronomical Society meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Monday.

Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth, is just over four light years away.

Researchers working with data from TESS have discovered a world orbiting two stars, as depicted in this artist’s illustration. Image: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Centre via AFP

“TESS was designed and launched specifically to find Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby stars,” said Paul Hertz, Nasa astrophysics division director.

A few other similar planets have been discovered before, notably by the Kepler Space Telescope, but this is the first discovered by TESS, which was launched in 2018. The discovery was later confirmed by the Spitzer Space Telescope.

TESS stabilises on one area of the sky to detect whether objects – planets – pass in front of stars, which causes a temporary drop in the stars’ luminosity. This allows TESS to infer the presence of a planet, its size and orbit.

Star TOI 700 is small, about 40 per cent of our sun’s size and only about half as hot. TESS discovered three planets in orbit, named TOI 700 b, c and d. Only “d” is in the so-called “Goldilocks zone,” not too far from and not too close to the star, where the temperature could allow the presence of liquid water.

TOI 700 d is about 20 per cent larger than Earth and orbits its star in 37 days. It receives 86 per cent of the energy that Earth receives from the Sun.

It remains to be seen what d is made of. Researchers have generated models based on the size and type of star to predict d’s atmospheric composition and surface temperature.

In one simulation, Nasa explained, the planet is covered in oceans with a “dense, carbon-dioxide-dominated atmosphere similar to what scientists suspect surrounded Mars when it was young”.

The planet is tidally locked to TOI 700, meaning that one side always faces the star, in the same way that Earthlings never see the “dark side” of the moon.


Another discovery announced at the meeting was TESS’s first finding of an exoplanet orbiting two stars instead of one, also known as a circumbinary planet.

The announcement prompted comparisons with Luke Skywalker’s home world of Tatooine in the Star Wars movie series, with its bewitching double sunsets.

But the newly found planet’s size alone – it is 6.9 times larger than Earth, almost the size of Saturn – makes it unlikely to be liveable.

Named TOI 1338 b, it is the only planet in the TOI 1338 system, which lies 1,300 light-years away in the constellation Pictor, and orbits its stars every 95 days.

The two stars orbit each other every 15 days. One is about 10 per cent bigger than our sun, while the other is cooler, dimmer and only one-third the sun’s mass.

TOI 1338 b was identified by Wolf Cukier, a high school student who had an internship with Nasa last summer.

The system had been flagged as an eclipsing binary, where two stars circle around each other and eclipse each other from our point of view. But after going over the data, Cukier realised that a planet was present too.

Circumbinaries are difficult to detect, and scientists have now confirmed about two dozen, with the first discovered in 1993.
