US lab behind fusion breakthrough reaches ignition again
- Researchers repeat fusion reaction achievement after months of near misses
- Proponents hope that one day fusion can produce limitless carbon-free energy

Being able to reproduce the December 5 breakthrough may bring the world one step closer to using fusion, which powers the stars, as an abundant source of clean energy. But that future likely remains years off, if it happens at all.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory near San Francisco conducted a series of tests this spring and summer that didn’t quite achieve “ignition”, the point at which energy output from the experiment exceeds the amount pouring in.
Each test involves firing the world’s most powerful laser at a tiny diamond capsule filed with hydrogen, compressing the fuel and triggering the reaction. One experiment in June achieved breakeven, with the same amount of energy coming out as went in.
They finally reached ignition again last week, according to a statement Sunday from the lab. The news was first reported by the Financial Times.