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80% of Hong Kong secondary school students are uncertain about the future

22 Apr, 2024

  • Hong Kong Shue Yan University academics say those without a sense of self-identity were more likely to lead disorganised and unmotivated lives

Most of Hong Kong secondary school students are unsure about their life path. Photo: Shutterstock
Most of Hong Kong secondary school students are unsure about their life path. Photo: Shutterstock
Why this news matters

If young people don’t understand who they are, they will struggle to find motivation to pursue goals in life.

Why this news matters

If young people don’t understand who they are, they will struggle to find motivation to pursue goals in life.

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Difficulty: Summiteer (Level 3)

A new study has found that around 80 per cent of secondary school students in Hong Kong are unsure about their path in life. A fifth of them have a “lying flat” attitude toward their futures.

The research was conducted by academics at Hong Kong Shue Yan University’s sociology department. They said those without a sense of self-identity were more likely to lead unmotivated lives – or what the researchers called “lying flat”.

The phrase refers to a trend that has swept China in recent years as some young people avoid focusing on their careers and, instead, just try to meet their basic needs.

The study also found that among the 20.8 per cent of secondary pupils who had direction in life, three-quarters of them discovered it through their parents or teachers.

The survey involved more than 1,100 students aged from 15 to 24, who were interviewed from November 2020 to May 2022. It included 543 secondary school pupils. This was part of research efforts to gauge young people’s self-identity and commitment to life goals.

Of the 79.2 per cent of secondary pupils who were uncertain about their goals, a quarter said they were not actively exploring a life path.

Quiz time

  1. What are most Hong Kong secondary school students going through?

  2. What does the term “lying flat” refer to?

  3. For pupils who have found their direction in life, who likely guided them?

  4. Who was included in Hong Kong Shue Yan University’s survey?

  5. Why do you think it is hard for secondary pupils to be sure about their future?

The study showed that secondary school students with a sense of self-identity generally scored better in areas such as self-esteem, relationships, proactiveness and social skills. Photo: Jonathan Wong
The study showed that secondary school students with a sense of self-identity generally scored better in areas such as self-esteem, relationships, proactiveness and social skills. Photo: Jonathan Wong

Suggested answers

  1. Most of Hong Kong’s secondary school students are feeling uncertain about the future.

  2. “Lying flat” refers to leading an unmotivated life.

  3. Those pupils discovered their direction through guidance from parents or teachers.

  4. 1,100 students aged from 15 to 24

  5. I think it is hard for them to be sure about their future because there is so much pressure from teachers and parents, and there is so much stress from exams and academics. When there are so many difficult emotions, it can be hard to think clearly about what you want. (accept other reasonable answers)

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