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French bakers beat Italy’s Guinness World Record to make world’s longest baguette

27 May, 2024
  • The bread, 235 times taller than the traditional one, was made in the suburbs of Paris
Joanne Brent, adjudicator of the Guinness World Records, stands near the baguette during her inspection of an attempt to beat the world record for the longest baguette. Photo: Reuters
Why this news matters

This record was important to France because baguettes are one of the nation’s emblems.

Why this news matters

This record was important to France because baguettes are one of the nation’s emblems.

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French bakers made the world’s longest baguette at 140.53 metres (461 feet). They reclaimed a record that was taken by Italy for five years.

The record-setting baguette is about 235 times longer than a traditional one. It was made in Suresnes in the suburbs of Paris.

The previous longest baguette of 132.62 metres was baked in the Italian city of Como in June 2019.

To beat it, the French bakers began kneading and shaping the dough at 3am before putting it in a specially-built slow-moving oven on wheels.

“Everything has been validated, we are all very happy to have beaten this record and that it was done in France,” Anthony Arrigault, one of the bakers, said after the baguette was approved by the Guinness World Records judge.

The traditional French baguette is about 60cm long, according to the official rules.

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