
Write a fun caption for the World Bog Snorkelling Championships

YP Readers, Associated Press
25 Sep, 2023
Louise Palmer (left) is dressed as Barbie and her husband Shawn Palmer dressed as Ken. Photo: AFP
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Brave athletes in the UK slithered through slime last month for the World Bog Snorkelling Championships.

Competitors raced to complete two lengths of a 55-metre water-filled trench that was in a peat bog. Peat is partially decayed plant matter. They could wear flippers on their feet, but regular swimming strokes were not allowed.

Some contestants accessorised their outfits – one even carried a giant plastic toad on their head. Spectators also got in on the fun, with two wearing pink cardboard boxes claiming to be limited edition bog-snorkelling Barbie and Ken.

Competitors at the 35th annual contest were hoping to beat the time of current world record-holder Neil Rutter, who finished the race in 1 minute and 18 seconds in 2018.

Why are Barbie and Ken in the bog? What might Barbie be thinking in this photo?

Send us a funny caption by filling out the form below or emailing [email protected]. Tell us your name, age and school.

The deadline is at 12pm on September 27. We’ll publish the best ones next week.

Top captions from last week

Hylia Chan (aged 10), St Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School: I’d be grape-ful for some grapes instead!

Noelle Lui (aged 9), Bloom KKCA Academy: I’ll have my usual, A5 wagyu with banana purée.

Truda Kan Hei-kiu (aged 5), Munsang College Kindergarten: Here are some bananas for the trapped Monkey King.

Torres Kan Pak-hei (aged 5), Munsang College Kindergarten: “May I have some chocolates instead?” asked the trapped Monkey King.

Stefan Yip Tin-yeung (aged 10), Kau Yan School: Of course he wants bananas – he is a monkey.

Children at a theme park in China feed bananas to someone dressed in a Monkey King costume. Photo: Captured from Toutiao
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