
Write a fun caption for this photo of people in India celebrating the colourful festival of Holi

Associated Press
8 Apr, 2024
  • People smear each other with various colours and spray friends with water from squirt guns
A woman is smeared with colourful powder as she celebrates Holi, the Hindu spring festival of colours. Photo: AFP
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Millions of people in India and Nepal celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi last month. On this day, people smear colourful powder on each other, use squirt guns to spray friends, dance to music in the streets, and enjoy festive food and drink.

Also known as the “Festival of Colours”, Holi marks the arrival of spring. It celebrates the divine love between the Hindu god Krishna and his consort Radha. The festival also signifies new beginnings, and it is a time to let go of negative energy.

Associated Press

What is this girl thinking as her face is smeared with colour?

Send us a fun caption by filling out the form below or emailing [email protected] by 12pm on April 10. We’ll publish the best ones next week.

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  • Cheyenne Fan Ka-hei (aged 11), Methodist School: Man, what will I do with this green suit after this?

  • Chelsea Chow (aged 9), Korean International School: See me? I’m green!

  • Hussue Moharana (aged 10), Santa Rosa De Lima English Secondary School: Green Green everywhere, there’s no more green anywhere.

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