Health and happiness

Advice: My classmate says it is her freedom to bully me

Posties readers
12 Aug, 2024

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No one has the right to bully you, and you don’t have to put up with it! Photo: Shutterstock
No one has the right to bully you, and you don’t have to put up with it! Photo: Shutterstock
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Difficulty: Explorer (Level 1)

Bullying is when someone keeps hurting you on purpose. This could include spreading lies about you and not listening when you ask them to stop.

You must remember that your classmate is not free to bully you. You need to tell an adult. Bullies like to hurt others because it makes them feel powerful, but telling an adult takes away their power.

  • If a teacher sees you being bullied and doesn’t do anything, you can talk to them alone and explain what is happening. There are a few other things you can also try:

  • Stay calm and don’t react. The bully wants you to feel embarrassed, so don’t let them have that.

  • Try using humour. For example, if the bully says you are being too emotional, you could say, “Everyone has emotions. Aren’t you human too?”

  • Walk away. Bullies like to pick on people when others are watching.

  • Have a friend with you when the bully is around. If things get too uncomfortable, your friend can walk away with you.

This question was answered by Lolita Schmalenberg, a psychotherapist and teen and adult therapist at Lifespan Counselling.

Talk it out

  • Is it ever OK to stay quiet when someone is being bullied?

  • What would you do if you saw someone being picked on?

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