Things to do

Activities to help you build family bonds and share memories

Kathryn Giordano
20 May, 2024
  • Sharing stories about your life and family can bring people together and even be good for your brain!
Children inherit genes, such as height and eye colour, from their parents. Photo: Shutterstock
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Spending time with your family and sharing memories is an excellent way to bond. It can also be good for your brain! Experts say that talking about your life story, such as recalling your childhood, can keep your mind sharp.

It could also reduce depression in older adults.

Sharing memories can give a person a sense of meaning and purpose. It can also attach value to their experiences, reminding them of their role in the family. This can boost your mood, which also makes you feel more alert.

Talking about family memories also preserves your family history. Even if one family member has been gone for many years, you can learn about them through other people’s stories.

Stories help memories stay alive. They also remind you about where you came from and what your family has done. You can learn about the hardships your ancestors have overcome. This knowledge can help you when you’re feeling down.

Remembering the good times in life can be a lot of fun and bring comfort.

Fun family paper chain

Here’s what your paper chain should look like. Photo: Shutterstock


  • construction paper in three colours

  • marker or pen

  • scissors

  • glue


1. Cut the construction paper into strips about 17 centimetres long and six centimetres wide. Each of the three colours represents different things: family activities, compliments, and personal goals.

2. On one colour, on separate strips, write down five activities you want to do together as a family. They can be small, like watching a movie together, or bigger, like travelling to a new part of Hong Kong.

3. On another colour, everyone will write at least three genuine compliments for each family member. Remember to write them on separate strips!

4. On the final colour, everyone writes down five things they want to do for themselves. They may be goals, such as being more mindful or doing your homework right when you get home. Whatever it is, write something you can implement into your day.

5. Now, make a chain with the strips of paper. Fold one strip into a circle and glue the ends together. Do the same for the next one, but first, wrap it around the first circle. Continue until you have completed the chain.

6. Every day, have your mum or dad cut off one piece of the chain and read what it says. If it is an activity, you can do it that same day or plan a time to do it. If it is a goal, check in with that family member about how the goal is going! This is a great way to spend a few minutes together each day as a family.

Storytelling and writing with the family

It’s fun to reminisce with your family! Photo: Shutterstock


  • pen or pencil

  • paper

  • timer


1. For this activity, gather your family and decide on a memory that you all share from a long time ago. It could be an event - such as your choir recital - a trip you took or when you adopted your dog.

2. Set a timer for around seven minutes. Everyone will take a pen and paper and write down their memory of the event from their perspective. It’s okay if you don’t remember everything!

3. Once the timer goes off, everyone can take turns reading out their recollection of the event to see how each person perceived it differently.

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