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Irina Wong’s top pick: My Secret Unicorn by Linda Chapman

Posties readers
8 Jan, 2024

  • The 9-year-old from Sacred Heart Canossian School Private Section discusses her top book series

The series is about a girl who befriends a magical pony. Photo: Handout
The series is about a girl who befriends a magical pony. Photo: Handout
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I want to share my favourite book series called My Secret Unicorn by Linda Chapman.

I first found it in the library, and I was attracted by its colourful cover. The series is about a girl who meets a pony and becomes friends with it. The pony can turn into a beautiful unicorn when the girl reads a magic spell, and they have many exciting adventures together.

I read the entire book series during this past summer holiday.

I also hope that one day I will meet a unicorn and become friends with it. It will take me flying in the sky, and we can go everywhere together.

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