Rewarding highfliers
● CityU is revamping the system for classifying undergraduate degrees starting from 2020/21.
● The refreshed system will strengthen the academic integrity of the undergraduate degrees, and make the graduates more attractive to potential employers.

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Full of vitality and creativity, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has advanced rapidly to be ranked #48 in the world in QS rankings.
We want our best students to get the recognition they deserve, which is why we’re revamping our system for classifying undergraduate degrees starting from 2020/21.
Under our new system, the top 15% of graduating students in each department/school (based on CGPA ranking) will receive the following degree classifications:
● summa cum laude (highest distinction)
● magna cum laude (high distinction)
● cum laude (distinction)
Reflecting our innovative identity, CityU’s bold move represents a significant step forward for higher education in Hong Kong. As the #1 Most International University, according to Times Higher Education, we are now aligned among the world’s elite.