Paid Post:Gamuda Land
How developer creates new era of eco-friendly cities with sustainable, smart homes surrounded by nature
Paid Post:Gamuda Land

  • Gamuda Land known for projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and Australia that feature central park areas and preserve natural hills, forests and wetlands
  • Ngan Chee Meng, company’s CEO, says it is the only property developer in Malaysia to audit its townships' biodiversity levels to maintain healthy ecosystem

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For many international policymakers, the urgent need to revive their recession-hit economies will also overlap with calls to introduce green initiatives to help improve public health and people’s quality of life, including better-designed infrastructure, higher-standard homes and effective environmental protection measures.

For Gamuda Land, a Malaysian developer of townships – smaller towns that form part of larger developments – the path to creating sustainable and liveable housing lies in its well-considered master planning, innovative designs and sustainable community buildings.

These development principles have been key to the success of its township developments built in Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and Australia over the past 25 years.

Developments that respect nature and environment

Gamuda Land carefully designs the infrastructure of its townships to ensure they offer greener, carbon-cutting neighbourhoods.

“Our focus on mindful planning and sustainability means we pay serious attention to place-making,” Ngan Chee Meng, CEO of Gamuda Land, says. This involves delivering not only homes, but the infrastructure that underpins strong communities, such as tree-lined streets, a town square and workspaces “that will become tomorrow’s heritage”, he says.