Country Reports

Unitouch's boutique culture bridges Sino-Swiss business relations

Discovery Reports

Andrea Nessi, managing partner

A boutique culture bridging Sino-Swiss ties has been the backbone of Unitouch Services, specialising in the entry of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into Asia and vice-versa building European inroads for Asian capital.

Venturing into international markets comes with associated risks and this can be a sensitive point for SMEs if they lack networks or definitive knowledge in commercial, legal and regulatory environments abroad.

"With our personalised approach, local operational capacity and ability to navigate cross-cultural and linguistic barriers, SMEs gain the confidence necessary to broaden their horizons," says Danica Gianola, Unitouch managing partner based in the company's Switzerland headquarters.

Serving as a one-stop shop for international forays, Unitouch has been steadily serving niche Swiss and European SMEs looking to Asia for long-term growth. The company affords global experience, managerial and technical know-how to enterprises as they establish a global footprint.

Based in Shanghai, fellow Unitouch managing partner Andrea Nessi establishes growth pathways for European clients in Hong Kong and on the mainland. With respected guanxi, or social capital networks, the company has been guiding clients in the adaptation of foreign business models to local Chinese frameworks.

At the same time, Chinese and Asian investors, eyeing mergers and acquisitions opportunities, particularly in light of the bargain-hunting climate in Europe, have been relying on Unitouch as a principal adviser.

"We want to create wealth through our legal and finance experience. We place our deeply rooted Europe-wide networks in Switzerland, and from Ticino, to the Italian business community at the disposal of our Asian clients to navigate their investment options," Nessi says.

Gianola agrees. "We see great market potential bridging the Sino-Swiss and Sino-European interests," she says.

"For many industries and niche players, timing is optimal to consider new horizons, explore the commercial benefits of customised and innovative global operational models and to learn and grow through international collaborations."


Unitouch Services