
Flags should fly at Cenotaph

I agree wholeheartedly with the views expressed by Li King-hang regarding the Cenotaph (South China Morning Post, November 13).

Like Mr Li, I am a Hong Kong born and bred Chinese.

I think it is absolutely shameful of the Tung Chee-hwa administration not to accord the Cenotaph the dignity it clearly deserves.

The Cenotaph should honour all people who have fought for Hong Kong.

As such, it deserves to have the flags of the PRC, the SAR, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand fly every single day to honour the war dead and veterans from these countries.

Furthermore, the Tung administration should do a lot more to officially commemorate the bravery of men and women of all nations who have fought for Hong Kong.

I am sure I speak for many Hong Kong citizens when I say that I would like to see the cultural diversity of the SAR openly celebrated.

What better way to show the world that we are indeed a world city than by putting up at the Cenotaph the flags of nations that have made Hong Kong what it is today? Finally, I think Hong Kong should do more to celebrate its British heritage.

We may now be part of China, but we nonetheless have developed differently from the rest of China.

I think Hong Kongers should be true to themselves and acknowledge that this place has a strong British heritage that has largely served it well.

I don't think I am being less patriotic by saying so; I am just being true to myself.