
Scientists plan DNA database

The mainland is setting up its first national DNA database to aid Chinese and foreign scientists and protect intellectual property.

The project, jointly under the wing of the Information Centre of the Shanghai Life Sciences Research Institute and the Southern Centre of the National Human Genome Research Institute, would collect, manage and distribute DNA data, according to a scientist involved in the project. This would enable instant retrieval of research information and help prevent costly duplication of experiments.

The databank is set to be operating by the year-end. Protecting intellectual property has become a top priority amid potentially lucrative strides in genetic research, and similar databases operate in the US, Japan and Europe.

In a major breakthrough, scientists in several countries, including the US and Britain, announced the working draft of the human genome sequence last month. Chinese researchers also made a contribution to that project. On Monday, the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented awards to the local scientists who had a role in the project.

Chinese scientists also have started decoding the pig genome in a first step towards producing high-protein pork, according to Xinhua. Mapping that genetic code will help the mainland develop new breeds of pigs, a major source of animal protein.