
Star Beauty

Elaine Ho Oi-ling 23, model and financial planner

What three products can you not do without?

Facial cream, concealer and eye cream.

Have you ever had acne? What did you do?

Yes. I used anti-acne cream and avoided putting make-up on the area. I also washed my face more frequently and used glacial marine mud.

Do you diet?

No, I actually want to gain weight. I am the type of person who never gets fat, no matter how much I eat.

What is your best beauty secret?

Sleep more, do not stay up late, and use cream or lotion.

What is your beauty nightmare?

Having pimples and blackheads and make-up that melts.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

About 45 minutes, but if I have a shower it can take two hours.

What exercise do you do?

Cycling, swimming and badminton.

How much do you spend on beauty products a month?

I don't need to spend any money on products as I get them from my sister and other family members.