
Hot Picks

Renate Snow, 12, West Island School

CD: Under My Skin by Avril Lavigne. Great music with lyrics that accurately portray the emotions of teenagers.

DVD: Peter Pan. It's very faithful to the book and brings the adventurous spirit of the story to life.

Movie: The Merchant of Venice. The latest film version is far better than its predecessors. The actors are outstanding, particularly Al Pacino.

Book: The Riddles of Epsilon by Christine Morton-Shaw. A mystery story involving a teenager, a chatroom and a creepy castle. Fantastic.

Cheap Eat: Pret a Manger. Extremely healthy, fresh and yummy food at a relatively low price.

Lucy Lo, 17, STFA Leung Kau Kui College

CD: Don't Believe the Truth by Oasis. Great album with excellent melodies and lyrics. Worth the long wait for this marvellous CD.

DVD: The Lizzie McGuire Movie. A hilarious film about an American teenager in a foreign country who discovers the meaning of friendship.

Movie: War of the Worlds. Powerful aliens versus running and screaming humans.

Book: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien. Its thrilling and beautiful narration pulls you into the world of magic.

Cheap Eat: Steak Expert. Fresh and juicy steaks in a nice environment with reasonable prices.