
Should we celebrate Christmas if we don't believe in Christ?

Each week our two teenagers debate a hot topic. This week ...

Jeffrey Wong, 20, University of Hong Kong

Christmas is coming. Whether you are a Christian or not, you celebrate the festival with your family and friends. Some say non-Christians should not celebrate Christmas.

This suggests Christmas is only about going to church and singing hymns. This is a narrow way of defining the festival. We usually celebrate a joyful day or event.

A celebration does not have to be religious.

Most festivals originated from stories passed down through generations. These stories cannot be verified.

For example, I doubt if all Chinese believe Chang'e lives on the moon. You don't have to believe in the existence of Chang'e to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The true objective of a festival is to bring people together. Love and care are important values, regardless of race, religion and class.

Festivals, such as Christmas, provide the perfect opportunity for us to show our warm feelings towards others.

We may have different religions but they all promote a common message.: 'Love thy neighbour', a phrase from the Bible that applies to everyone.

I think celebrating Christmas also symbolises embracing religious diversity and tolerance. Hong Kong is a unique city which celebrates both eastern and western festivals.

If the non-Chinese celebrate Lunar New Year, I don't see why non-believers cannot celebrate Christmas.

Vanessa Lee, 17, Heep Yunn School

You may already be thinking about having fun during Christmas.

You may even have drawn up a holiday plan that includes partying with friends.

You may have given your parents a list of Christmas presents that you want.

But it seems people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who descended on Earth to purify human souls.

Almost every Christian attends Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

Christmas traditions are sacred and unique. And the celebrations are very much a part of the religious customs.

If people merely celebrate Christmas by hanging out with friends, drinking or just having a good time, they are showing disrespect for Christian traditions.

But it is unfair to make people celebrate Christmas if they do not believe in Christ. Everyone should be entitled to the freedom of religion.

Hence, people who do not believe in Christ should not celebrate Christmas.

I am concerned by the fact that many teenagers no longer attend church services on Christmas eve.

Many of my friends and cousins go to parties or night clubs.

I urge everyone who believes in Christ to bear in mind the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life to save us from our sins.