
hong kong politics

Reading comprehension

Answer the following questions

1 What was John Tsang announcing when Wong Yuk-man came up and swept away his documents in the Legislative Council?

a. the Policy Address

b. the Budget

c. his welcoming speech

d. his farewell speech

2 The protest by Wong Yuk-man and 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok-hung was described as ......

a. childish, naive, tasteless

b. a good example for children

c. very well-organised

d. old-fashioned

3 Leung Kwok-hung said protests were especially common in a ...

a. dictatorship

b. communist society

c. materialistic society

d. civic society

Word Power

Match the words with their meanings below

1 smash

2 condemn

3 hurl

4 displeasure

5 unruly

a. unhappy; annoyed

b. rebellious; difficult to control

c. throw forcefully

d. hit hard and break into pieces

e. express strong disapproval of (someone or something)

Think about

1 What would you suggest Leung Kwok-hung and Wong Yuk-man do to protest effectively in a less confrontational manner?

2 What do the fierce protests on the streets and in the Legislative Council imply about society?

3 What qualities should a good legislator have? Name at least three.


March 23

Page 7:

Reading comprehension

1. b, 2. c 3. d, 4. a

Word power

1. c, 2. b, 3. e, 4. g, 5. d, 6. f, 7. a