Asia/ Southeast Asia

Thai cat with Covid suspected to have infected human

  • Scientists describe a case in which a female veterinary surgeon was infected with the virus while treating a cat in the southern city of Songkhla
  • The case underscores the need to isolate animals at home in the event of an infection, because virus can move between species, doctor says
Concerns pet cats can infect their human owners following research into a suspected transmission in Thailand. Photo: Shutterstock

Cats have long known to be susceptible to coronavirus like many other animals, but only now are concerns being raised that pet cats can infect their human owners following research into a suspected transmission in Thailand.

Researchers publishing a case report in the scientific journal Emerging Infectious Diseases in June now believe Covid-19 can probably be transmitted from cats to humans.

The scientists described a case in Thailand in which a female veterinary surgeon was infected with the virus in August 2021 while treating a cat in the southern Thai city of Songkhla.

During nasal swabbing, the cat sneezed on the vet, who was wearing an N95 respirator mask and disposable gloves but no face shield or eye goggles.

The animal itself probably got the virus from its two owners, the researchers, led by Sarunyou Chusri from the Prince of Songkla University in Songkhla. Genome sequencing revealed that the viruses found in the cat, the vet and the owners were very closely related.

However, scientists told The New York Times that the virus is much more frequently transmitted from humans to cats than in the opposite direction.

Nevertheless, the case underscores the need to also isolate animals at home in the event of an infection, infectious disease doctor Scott Weese of Canada’s University of Guelph told the paper. “I think it’s important for us to recognise this virus still can move between species.”

The World Health Organization’s current advice is that, even though pets have tested positive for Covid-19, cats or dogs cannot pass the virus to humans.