New World weighs ‘super low’ down payment scheme to help university grads get on housing ladder
New World Development is considering a special financing scheme to help local university graduates gain a foothold on the housing ladder at “super low” initial down payments.
The scheme is intended for first time buyers.
Adrian Cheng Chi-kong, executive vice-chairman of New World Development, said the proposal would be structured with a “super-low initial down payment” and a longer repayment period at an interest rate close to the market rate.
“Graduates from the eight universities in Hong Kong who earn a stable income after two to three years working experience are eligible for the proposed scheme,” he said.
Cheng said the down payments could be as low as “several hundred thousand dollars” for flats costing HK$5 million and will include other incentives such as the developer absorbing the stamp duty.
At present, home buyers can get an 80 per cent mortgage loan under the Hong Kong Mortgage Insurance scheme for flats priced between HK$4 million to HK$6 million.