Mat Fraser and Tia-Clair Toomey tipped to triumph in 2020 CrossFit Open
- Experts are polled in a survey and the reigning CrossFit champions from 2019 come out on top to little surprise
In the vote among a group of almost 20 journalists, Mat Fraser garnered three quarters of the votes to take first place in the Open, which kicks off on October 10. The Open is a five-week online workout competition in which users submit videos of workouts selected by CrossFit.
The closest male competition to Fraser, 29, was fellow American Noah Ohlsen (19 per cent), who shot up to second place, stealing the lead from Fraser in dramatic fashion during the 2019 CrossFit Games, which were held in Madison, Wisconsin.
Nicholas Rizzo, a fitness research director with RunRepeat who conducted the survey, said Fraser has a couple of competitors to watch out for concerning the Open.
“There seem to be only two real contenders to compete with Fraser,” Rizzo said. The first is Ohlsen and the second is Iceland’s Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson.
“Gudmundsson finished right behind Noah Ohlsen at the most recent games in third place and managed to take second place at the last Open. Thirty-three per cent of the experts surveyed see him as a major competitor to fight for second place. But the real question is, are either of these two going to be dethroning Fraser?”