

Prosecco is a term applied to a specific wine, and the grape used to make it.The prosecco grape is primarily grown in the region of Italy known as Veneto.

Prosecco is a crisp sparkling white wine with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

There are 2 cocktails specific to Prosecco. The Bellin, made by mixing peach juice and prosecco and then the Poinsettia, made with vodka,cranberry juice and prosecco.Both delicious in warm weather months.

  • Some stars – like Madonna and Keira Knightley – have been in the wine game for years, while Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought the vineyard they got married at while they were still together
  • Cameron Diaz created her own organic brand after finding that most wines contain additives, while Dwayne Wade is so committed he’s on the executive board of UC Davis’ School of Viticulture and Enology

The New Resident Regime Scheme, passed in 2017, caps the annual tax liability on global income, and takes out the hassle of owning a property for those who’d rather just rent.