The all-new YP: For teens to discover, learn & report

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  • We've got a brand-new look, a completely revamped interface, and an exciting way of bringing you your favourite content
  • Don't worry, though - our commitment to quality and providing you with the stories you want to read hasn't changed
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Today marks the launch of the all-new, shiny Young Post website! We’ve had a total redesign and reorganised our content to make it even more engaging, and useful for you – our readers.

The first thing we’re really excited about is the way we’re dividing up stories. We now have three sections: Discover, Learn and Report.

Discover is where you’ll find news, reviews, advice, entertainment, and your letters, opinions, and contributions to sections such as Top 10.

Learn is all about helping you improve your skills: we’ve got loads of English language practice exercises, HKDSE exam tips, as well as advice for post-secondary plans, university applications, and career planning.

Report is all about journalism – and most importantly, where you can sign up to join the Junior Reporters’ Club. Learn about working in news media, and see your byline in print and online!

In addition to the vibrant new visuals, we’ve added some mobile-friendly features so you have easier and more entertaining ways to interact with our content.

For example, you’ll be able to see “stacks” of cards for each article, which summarise the info in a convenient TL:DR format for when you’re on the go, and just need the gist of the news quickly. One of the swipeable “cards” will also let you like and share the article with your friends with the simple press of a button. Try it out!

All this and more await you on our new home at – where we will continue to put your heroes, your stories, and your news in your hands.

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