Arjun Gargeyas
Arjun Gargeyas
Arjun Gargeyas is a research analyst with the High Tech Geopolitics Programme at the Takshashila Institution, a public policy think tank in Bangalore. His areas of focus include quantum technologies, semiconductors and technical standards

In a world where computing might equates to real power, Beijing’s ambitious plan will do more than lift its lagging west. It will allow it to cut carbon emissions, improve the digital economy infrastructure, and boost its military and national security.


China’s armed forces are embracing emerging technologies with an eye on closing the gap in military power with the US. Dual-use technologies such as AI and big data have been incorporated into military strategy and will play an important role in China’s future plans.


China has made massive strides in quantum technology, breaking new ground and closing the gap to the US or even overtaking it. But it still faces several systemic challenges, including a lack of real-world applications, high error rates, a talent gap and Western sanctions.
