A Chinese woman has a huge pile of boxes of health products stacked inside her home in Shaanxi province – many unopened – after buying 160,000 yuan of goods over the phone in the past six months. Photo:

Unhealthy obsession: Lonely Chinese woman, 81, buys breast-enhancement pills and health goods worth 160,000 yuan in six months

Gloria Chan

A lonely Chinese woman aged 81 spent more than 160,000 yuan (HK$ 191,000) on breast-enhancement pills and other health products in only six months, mainland media reports.

The retired teacher, identified only by her surname, Wang, who lives alone in the city of Hanzhong, in Shaanxi province, had bought the products by phone after becoming friendly with telephone salesperson at marketing company, the local newspaper Huashang Daily reported on Tuesday.

The woman now had a huge pile of health products – mostly unopened – sitting in her 15 square metre flat, it said.

The woman’s daughter recently made an official complaint to the city’s Consumer Complaints Centre after becoming concerned after her mother began to ask to borrow money from relatives, despite having a stable income from her pension and her children.

“To stop her from buying health products, we have confiscated eight mobile phones from her,” Feng said.

Cang Hongjie, director of the complaints centre, said Wang had started to buy the health products after reading a magazine advertisement.

The marketing company had reportedly used flattery and promises of small favours to encourage Wang to buy the products, Cang said.

However, since the company only sold the goods, and relied on another company to distribute the products, it would be difficult to investigate the matter further, Cang said.
