DOCTORS are voicing concern over HIV infection and the flourishing of a 'sizeable sex industry' in the territory.
Hundreds of villa apartments, one-woman brothels, karaoke bars and street walkers - plus the large number of local people indulging in casual sex in nearby countries - creates a dangerous environment for the spread of AIDS, they say.
Department of Health AIDS Unit researcher Dr Wong Ka-hing and University of Hong Kong research associate Dr Abu Abdullah will report to a world conference on 'Categorising the Commercial Sex Industry in Hong Kong' and 'Sexual Behaviour of Travellers and Tourists in Hong Kong'.
The 11th International Conference on AIDS, opening in Vancouver today, will be attended by 30 Hong Kong delegates including Health Director Dr Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chan, medical legislator Dr Leong Che-hung, and representatives of the Hospital Authority, AIDS Trust Fund, AIDS Foundation and other organisations.
Dr Abdullah said his team had surveyed more than 600 travellers at Kai Tak airport, health workers and company employees who travelled often.
In a sample study of 261 responses, more than 10 per cent of travellers said they had indulged in casual sex in neighbouring countries.
'If you counted only the men, the proportion would increase,' Dr Abdullah said.