DIOFELSUS IS A beautiful Persian cat. He is 13 years old and has long white hair and green eyes. For the past three years he has lived in Central with his mistress Paola Dindo. He much prefers Dindo to his previous owners. They cut off his tail and used to lock him in a cupboard for hours at a time.
Dindo found Diofelsus in a pet shop. She looked into his eyes and could tell that he was very unhappy. When she brought him home he told her about what had happened.
Wait a minute ... Diofelsus is a cat. A real live cat. And we all know that cats cannot speak. Well, apparently they can, in their own way. You just have to be open to hearing them. Dindo has been talking to animals for years.
'You don't listen to animals through your ears, you receive their messages straight into your subconscious, like telepathy,' says Dindo.
She says everyone can learn to communicate to some extent with animals. By spending time with animals, you come closer to them. The next step is to empty your mind, be still and wait to see if the animal has a message for you. Ego is the biggest barrier to communicating with animals, she says, which is why children are often better than adults at receiving messages.
'This kind of contact is more available to children because they are more open. As long as their parents have not told them to be frightened of animals, they have fewer restrictions,' she says.