Warning follows the death of a beagle after it was taken jogging with the mercury at 34 degrees Celsius
Pet owners are being warned to protect their animals in hot weather after one dog died and a second became seriously ill with heatstroke.
The warning follows the death of a beagle after its owner took it jogging last Saturday as temperatures hit 34 degrees Celsius.
The second, a French bulldog, suffered heatstroke after a walk in Central on Sunday but was saved after it was rushed to an animal centre run by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
SPCA vet Alison Main, who treated both dogs, said the first dog became ill soon after jogging but the owner had failed to recognise the symptoms.
'By the time it was brought in it had a temperature which went off the thermometer,' Dr Main said.
'It was still breathing and we tried to resuscitate it but it had fixed dilated pupils indicating it was brain dead. It was very sad. The owners were gutted,' she said.