Homeopathy in Hong Kong is an unregulated complementary medicine and there are few qualified practitioners, says homeopath Arden Wong Wai-tak.
Wong says he knows of only three Hong Kong practitioners who have done the relevant years of training.
Homeopathy has been slow to take off in Hong Kong in part because of the lack of information in Chinese compared with English (there's a great deal of English-language homeopathy information available on the internet).
Wong says that because he's Cantonese, most of his clients (up to 50 a week) are Chinese.
'I think Hong Kong is far behind the west with homeopathy,' he says. 'The English royal family has a 150-year history of its use and Queen Elizabeth is a big fan.
'But in Hong Kong, fully trained homeopaths number just a few. I trained for three years in Sydney. In India they train for six years.'
Although direct marketing companies sell homeopathic medicine in Hong Kong, Wong says people should be careful about buying from these sources.