Five things we're all wondering about ...
IMF sees bright economic outlook for city ... that's great, except from where we're looking, we can't see anything past the pollution.
Surveillance and phone-tapping by Hong Kong police ruled illegal ... only a paranoid country with an out-of-control leader would violate citizens' rights like that.
Hong Kong man Derek Kwik Kwok-tsan runs 1,000km across the world's four most severe deserts ... for a more dangerous challenge, next year perhaps he'll attempt to run the Hong Kong marathon.
TVB Pearl allowed to pre-empt Education Television as Ang Lee tries to win Oscars ... the ruling came after a survey shows 80 per cent say they can accept what goes on in Brokeback Mountain, as long it doesn't involve a family member.
Hong Kong Muslims to protest over offensive cartoon this weekend ... we wonder if 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok-hung will join the march. After all, most people think he is an offensive cartoon.