
'80s-style closing party for Someplace Else

Come mid-January, regulars at the Sheraton restaurant, Someplace Else, will have to go somewhere else. The 23-year-old American-style institution, which some credit with introducing happy hours to Hong Kong, will soon be turned into a Chinese-themed catering outlet.

However, tomorrow night they will go back in time with a 1980s extravaganza closing party. Attendees are encouraged to wear their best 1980s fashion for prizes - even though people on the street may laugh at you on the way there. CitySeen also wants to give you the chance to go back in time once more.

We have three HK$1,000 dining gift certificates for Someplace Else to give away. Tell us in 50 words or less your favourite '80s moment and you may win a voucher. Send your answer, with your name, address and phone number, to [email protected]. The deadline is 6pm on Friday.
