With a flexible schedule, many university students take up part-time jobs to earn some extra money and gain work experience.
While most work as tutors or exhibition helpers, Ingrid Lau Yuen-kwan's job involves the use of batons and guns - she is an auxiliary officer with the Hong Kong Police Force.
Hong Kong has about 3,800 auxiliary officers who provide backup during large-scale events.
Since 2003, the auxiliary police force has been recruiting an average of 65 university students each year. Ms Lau is one of the lucky few who has been awarded a police badge after passing all the written and physical tests.
'Being an auxiliary policewoman has broadened my horizons. I was trained to manage a crowd and deal with contingencies. I even got the chance to appear in the TV programme Police Report,' said the Year Three social science student from Lingnan University.
Ms Lau, who joined the police last June, has no problem juggling her duties as a law-enforcement officer and student. Her police work has never hindered her studies, she said.