Japanese designer Mihara Yasuhiro unveiled his latest experiments for Puma over the weekend. With a philosophy described as OOPARTS, meaning 'out of place artefacts', the artist explained his new footwear was inspired by a desire to juxtapose the past with the future.
'It was fascinating to wonder what if people in ancient times - 2,000 to 3,000 years ago - wore sneakers like us. That was the main concept of my collection,' Yasuhiro said at a party held at D-Mop's Causeway Bay store on Friday night.
Surrounded by trendy youths and fashion slaves, the 35-year-old Yasuhiro, who has been working with Puma since 2000, appeared almost bored with the frenzy over his presence. Then again, he's used to the attention in Japan.
'I feel Hong Kong and Tokyo are very similar cities,' he said.
'People are very fashionable, with many buildings with advances in technology. I feel the power and the energy of this city. I like Hong Kong so much.'