Design house squeals like a stuck piggy bank over FedEx lookalike
The folks at China Stylus aren't too pleased with FedEx at the moment. In January, the design studio produced a quaint paper fold-out piggy bank with the idea that in the Year of the Pig, people could save their coins for charity.
This week, though, a paper piggy from the global courier arrived at the agency with a remarkably similar design, 'although much poorer quality', a China Stylus rep added. When staff checked the mailing list, China Stylus saw it had sent its piggy to FedEx's marketing department. Coincidence or blatant copycat?
'Honestly, wouldn't you expect a little more imagination from a global marketer?' a China Stylus rep asked.
'Instead of calling us to do some work for them, they just took our idea and copied it.'
Although it is absolutely positively peeved, the local agency has no plans to seek revenge, compensation or legal action.
'Who do you think could afford better lawyers? We haven't contacted FedEx yet, but we will be dropping them a line so they know they've been caught in the act. I guess we won't be sending our promo material to them in future!'