Watching a 3-D white horse galloping out of the screen, the audience inside the dark cinema can't resist raising their hands to 'touch' its shiny mane.
As two lovebirds make their wedding vows in front of a snow-capped mountain, a shower of man-made snow sprinkles over viewers' heads.
Instead of being the far-fetched fantasies of film fans, these surreal scenes are played out in a cinema at the new terminal of Hong Kong International Airport.
Opened earlier this year, 4-D Extreme Screen shows 35mm (the type of films we see in ordinary cinemas), 3-D and 4-D films.
Boasting a five-storey-high super-sized screen, the cinema has terraced seats in an arc shape that ensures no one has an obstructed view.
With state-of-the-art facilities installed at different corners of the theatre simulating natural phenomena, the cinema adds a whole new physical dimension to the cinema experience.