After serviced apartments, developer offers a creative take on office life
Having developed several successful serviced apartments (Abeo, Ovolo, Erba), Girish Jhunjhunwala (above) wanted to try something more creative. That meant building serviced offices. The result, Izi Central, was opened on Wednesday - and it's no ordinary office block. It's not just for work and business. Home2Home's managing director made sure there were also quite a few creative touches at the property. On opening night, a suite on the 21st floor was lent to artists to create an installation and the entire side of the building was painted with a geometric pattern. 'The whole facade is very interesting and artsy,' Mr Jhunjhunwala said. 'Our architect Paul Kember's wife is involved in the arts so I thought it would be great to open a space for up-and-coming artists here. As occupancy opens, I'd be happy to give the space on a complementary basis and invite artists to create works.' Artists Kember, Chung Wai-lun and Ling Lai are mounting an in-house exhibition that will open soon. The association with art isn't just altruistic, it's also smart business for the Hollywood Road property. 'Interestingly, we've got quite a bit of interest from art galleries interested in taking space. The building is in the heart of the art and craft district of Hong Kong.' Izi Central is at No. 151.