Photographs of flawless-skinned models may make us think otherwise, but beneath their impeccable makeup, even models can have visible pores.
'People's pores enlarge as they get older,' says dermatologist Adrian Fung Yee-ho. 'Just look at a child and you can see their skin is like silk. But when you're a teenager, pores start to appear. Then when you're 30, they're even more visible.'
Pore size also varies from person to person, depending on genetic makeup, and if you're prone to blackheads and whiteheads from excessive sebum production, the pores appear more prominent.
Fung says blocked pores - especially in the T-zone area of the nose, chin and middle forehead - are caused by oil produced by the sebaceous glands which are responsible for regulating oil production.
There are two types of acne - inflammatory and non-inflammatory, says SkinCentral dermatologist Kingsley Chan. Blackheads and whiteheads are non-inflammatory. A blackhead is simply an open comedone and a whitehead is a closed one, he says. A comedone is a plugged pore of sebaceous and dead skin at the hair follicle opening.
'It's black, not because your face is dirty, but because the oil inside the pore [is exposed] and after it has oxidised through contact with the air, it turns black,' says Chan