The Apex of Wan Chai's Central Plaza was taken over on Wednesday night for Chanel's splashy premiere for a new interpretation of its famous No5 perfume. At the entrance, a mini-maze of an exhibition was built to show the fragrance's history and evolution - the name was decided when the label's famous founder Coco was shown various fragrance samples and she choose number five.
Although the genteel crowd was mostly oohing and aahing about the new No5 Eau Premiere scent, there was at least one person buzzing about the US election results. Designer and California emigre Flora Cheong-leen (pictured), for one, was happy to know the Bush era is over, but she couldn't resist offering us what she thought would be the political dream team.
'I'm not American but here's what my choice would have been,' she began. 'It would be Hillary [Clinton] as president. She has the experience and the right policies. Then it would be Barack Obama as vice-president, so he would have a few more years to learn and then take over. But I'm glad he won. I think it will be a very short honeymoon though. The country has no money now, so how can he do anything?'