Hong Kong office landlords are increasingly looking to mainland firms and especially big financial institutions to take up space being vacated by existing tenants.
In one deal, Industrial and Commercial International Capital, a subsidiary of the nation's biggest bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, leased 30,000 square feet on two floors at Three Pacific Place in Admiralty, property agents said.
Agricultural Bank of China, the mainland's third-largest bank, meanwhile took a lease on 10,000 sq ft of space at One Pacific Place. Agents believed the bank leased the space as part of its plan to list in Hong Kong next year.
The bank's vice-president, Pan Gongsheng, said in October that preparations for the bank's initial public offering would be completed in the second half of next year.
'The transactions do not mean that mainland tenants have necessarily become more aggressive in leasing office properties,' a property agent said. 'The situation is rather that non-mainland tenants, particularly foreign financial institutions, have held up their leasing plans.'
But with foreign financial institutions among the biggest casualties of the global credit crisis, mainland firms were now being more actively courted by landlords.
Property agents said the full picture on rents was not available from data in the Land Registry. 'Rents may be subject to sweeteners offered behind the scenes by developers, including longer rent-free periods,' the agent said.