Not even staying up nearly the whole previous night could stop entertainer Joey Yung Cho-yee demonstrating her dexterous kick-boxing moves, nor attending a function for sponsor Reebok on Wednesday. Showing the media her practised roundhouse kicks, the singer was all smiles at the Times Square atrium, helping the sports brand launch its latest products despite getting only about an hour's sleep the night before because of some overtime on another project. Not that she was complaining, though.
'Where else can I find another job that involves great music, dancing and so much excitement?' Yung said. 'The jobs I pick, the friends I hang out with, the sports I play all make me feel good about myself. They relax me and I have fun.'
Not to mention that a pay cheque of any kind is something to be happy about these days. In spite of the physical nature of the event, Yung was surprisingly reflective, musing over the ups and downs of her showbiz career. 'I've been there, done that, and seen both rise and fall. I need those experiences, happy and miserable. It might be hard to accept that you are wrong, but all the struggles totally pay off if you never make the same mistake again.'
One thing she's pleased about is the new budget's tax rebates. 'Of course I welcome a tax cut, the more the merrier. Who wouldn't? But it's actually my mum who takes care of my money, and I completely trust her.'
Now that's real peace of mind.